Friday, January 02, 2009

One of the coolest moments ever. Sort of.

Mark your calendars, because Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC 2009 is on its way. Run
date +%s -d 'Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC 2009'
if you want to know why that's interesting. (Ah! Or you can google it instead if you like.)


Jason Wakefield said...

I googled, and had no idea what you are talking about. Is this open software thing? Just wanted to get the 411.

Matt Oquist said...

It's a UNIX thing. Don't're not actually missing out on anything important. FWIW, the summary text of the first hit on google (yes, that insane end-of-the-world one) actually tells the whole story.

Unknown said...

Sad times - that command doesn't work on XP... Or maybe I'm just not adept enough. :P